As for the hand held bottle opener. the opening piece the goes on the cap seems to be a little small, Also the lever piece seems to very weak so it might break off. Also there should be 4 finger places instead of 3. I think the overall shape be ok just some sizing differences should make it better
For Nick's handheld bottle opener, it looks to be a little blocky of a design. It could use more rounded edges to make it look smoother. It also looks a bit thin, so I'm not sure if it could successfully open a bottle. I think with a couple of tinkers, it could be very successful.
For our limitation design, we made a zipper to test how small and detailed the 3D printer can get. The zipper pieces fell apart once we took them off of the support pieces. This means that when printing you need to have you design big enough to be able to be pulled apart form the support.
For the helicopter design, the amount of support needed to be broken down was excessive. It took forever to breakdown and in that process, it broke certain pieces off. Other than that I realize that when building a design like that before printing, it might be easier to build in separate designs and just put it together when everything is taken a second
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