1 We made very minimal changes to our designs. as for the full handled opener, we adjusted the angle at which the two parts come together. this causes a more comfortable grip and movement as you open the bottle.
2 The main design was altered minimally. The tail of the piece was given a little more length so the user could have a little more leverage. Another change that was added was how the bottle cap will sit onto the system with a little edge added by the hook. Lastly a little hole was added onto the tail so a key chain could be added.
3 The design was changed into a more efficient, slick looking model. Instead of the hook like opener, I changed it into a double sided compartment where the cap fits in between the two openers and you crank the opener and it will smoothly open. This design makes it so there is a cleaner, smoother open, with little to no chance of spilling any liquid because it will come off quickly and effortlessly.
4 the design was not altered that much. When working in the design program I changed how the bottle will hook to the actual cap. It gives the bottle a more slick design and makes it look better.
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