Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Criteria Does not meet
(0 points)
Meets (1 point)
Exceeds (2 points)

Functionality:  Product cannot preform or breaks under stress
Has some set backs but able to work just not at full capacity
Product is able to faction normally and as designed

Durability:  Gadget cannot break away from support
Gadget can break away but cannot preform function needed to full capacity
Gadget is able to break away from support pieces and is sturdy enough to preform the function needed

Is it 3D printable Product: either collapses while printing or is not able to come out cleanly
Able to print with some setbacks/limits
Able to print with no problems whatsoever

Easy to clean
too much support to have a clean product
Able to break away from support but not completely clean from access material
Final product is clean or easy to break off of supports

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course outline

Course as is week 1-5 3d printing week 6 Engineering as a whole week 7-8 analytics week 9-12 LEGO week 13-14 Christmas lights week 15 ...